Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Angel Arking, Ronda Arbeit Macht Frei Autumn 2011/5772 11 149-151
Epstein, Marc Michael Jewish Visuality: Myths of aniconism and realities of creativity Autumn 2011/5772 11 43-51
Miran, Esta Judaism: An Incubator for Creativity Autumn 2011/5772 11 129-137
Zakheim, Dov S. Practicing Jews Serving in the National Security Community, by Dr. Dov Zakheim Autumn 2012/5773 14 9-24
Cherlow, Yuval “Jewish” and “Democratic”—Can They Co-exist? Autumn 2012/5773 14 60-70
Gisser, Abraham The Shalit Case: The Responsibilities of the Jewish State Autumn 2012/5773 14 126-132
Amsellem, Chaim Acceptance of the Commandments for Conversion Autumn 2012/5773 14 91-117
Farber, Shaul Seth Balancing Halakha, Jewish Peoplehood, and Democracy in Israel Autumn 2012/5773 14 118-125
Weiss, Susan The Place of Orthodoxy in the State of Israel Autumn 2012/5773 14 144-150
Schwarzschild How Much Autonomy Do You Want? Autumn 2012/5773 14 32-43