• Dogma, Heresy, and Classical Debates: Creating Jew…

    Judaism includes the basic tenets of belief in one God, divine revelation of the Torah including an Oral Law, divine providence, reward-punishment, and a messianic redemption. The question for believing Jews today is, how…
  • Intellectual humility: Thoughts for Parashat Berei…

    The letter bet that opens the Torah is a reminder that no matter how much we may know, there is so much more that we do not know. Intellectual humility is the first step in the acquisition of wisdom.
  • Thoughts for Shemini Hag Atsereth and Simhat Torah

    If Shemini Hag Atsereth is God's challenge to the Jewish people, Simhat Torah is the Jewish people's answer to God. It is a very good answer, an inspiring answer; it is the only answer that can give us genuine strength and…
  • Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a four-part series on…

    On Mondays, October 28, November 4, 11, and 18, from 1:00-2:00 pm EST, Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a four-part series. It is entitled, "How to Learn Tanakh: Four Illustrative Torah Stories.

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The Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals offers a vision of Orthodox Judaism that is intellectually sound, spiritually compelling, and emotionally satisfying. Based on an unwavering commitment to the Torah tradition and to the Jewish people, it fosters an appreciation of legitimate diversity within Orthodoxy.


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