Redemption and Exile...and Redemption: Thoughts for Tisha B'Av and Parashat Devarim

As we prepare for the observance of Tisha B’Av, let us take time to ponder the mystery and the wonder of Jewish peoplehood. The Exodus was the formative experience that propelled our people into history. The Exile was the experience that underscored our national courage, resilience, compassion and determination. The Torah was—and is—the foundation of our spiritual teachings, our ideas and our ideals.

Macro, Micro, and Balanced Perspectives: Thoughts for Parashat Balak

o only see the virtues of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in unhealthy fantasy. To only focus on the flaws of individuals, communities or nations is to engage in destructive misrepresentation of truth. This week’s Torah portion provides a vivid reminder to maintain an all-encompassing macro and micro perspective. Our goal must be not to engage in propaganda, but in an honest and sincere search for truth.

Truth, Compassion--and the Vindication of Humanity: Thoughts for Parashat Shelah Lekha

When we strive to internalize the teachings and characteristics of Moses and Aaron, we bring more Truth and Compassion into the world. In our day to day lives, these little steps may seem trivial in the face of the many problems confronting us and humanity. Yet in the cosmic struggle for the soul of humankind, we move the world a little closer to the day when Truth will blossom forth from the earth. May this day come sooner rather than later.