Conversations Article Title Index

Title Author Date Issue number Page Nos.
Of Walls and Bridges: Teaching and Studying Bernstein, Marc Autumn 2014/5775 20 140-149
Seven Songs Mushabac, Jane Spring 2012/5772 13 140-149
With Four Strings and a Bow: The Role of Music in Religious Expression Schiff, Zina Spring 2017/5777 28 140-145
Do Not Fold, Spindle, or Mutilate Kashkin, Yisrael Spring 2013/5773 16 140-144
Thoughts on the Writings of Primo Levi Angel, Marc D. Autumn 2021/5782 38 140-144
The Music of Chance: On the Origin of Species from a Jewish Perspective Di Segni, David G. Winter 2010/5770 6 14-28
Tanakh and Superstition: Debates within Traditional Commentary Angel, Hayyim Spring 2020 35 14-28
Integrity, Courage, and Commitment to Principle Zakheim, Dov S. Spring 2023/5783 41 14-23
Thou Shalt Not Oppress the Ger Anonymous Spring 2009/5769 4 139-146
I Dread Going to Shul Schwartz, Daniel B. Winter 2011/5771 9 139-145