Canon Law: A Source for Jewish History? |
Ben-Ezra, Ilana |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
98-101 |
Women in the Modern Military: A Second Look |
Zakheim, Dov S. |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
146-162 |
A Minority Within a Minority: Truth Seeking as a Non-exclusive Reality |
Ever, Ehav |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
46-64 |
From Rome to Jerusalem to Rome to Jerusalem—A Brief Personal Memoir |
Price, Jonathan J. |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
135-139 |
Religion and Politics in America, by Joseph Lieberman |
Lieberman, Joseph I. |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
1-8 |
With Four Strings and a Bow: The Role of Music in Religious Expression |
Schiff, Zina |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
140-145 |
Book Review: The Art of Jewish Pastoral Counseling |
Aronson, Seth |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
173-175 |
Rabbi Dr. David de Sola Pool: Sephardic Visionary and Activist |
Angel, Marc D. |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
9-31 |
Ashkenazim and Sephardim—United in Education |
Cohen, Ariel |
Autumn 2017/5778 |
29 |
19-24 |
An Ashkenazic Rabbi in a Sephardic/Persian Community |
Rosen, Jeremy |
Autumn 2017/5778 |
29 |
70-80 |