What Is and Isn’t Wrong with Prayer Today |
Rosen, Jeremy |
Spring 2014/5774 |
19 |
89-96 |
"Be a Blessing" |
Korn, Eugene |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
89-97 |
Toward a Halakhic-Humanist Worldview: Recovering a Lost Vision |
Gottlieb, Mark |
Spring 2009/5769 |
4 |
9-14 |
Practicing Jews Serving in the National Security Community, by Dr. Dov Zakheim |
Zakheim, Dov S. |
Autumn 2012/5773 |
14 |
9-24 |
Interpersonal Mitzvoth and Mitzvoth Between Humans and God |
Sperber, Daniel |
Autumn 2010/5771 |
8 |
9-31 |
Rabbi Dr. David de Sola Pool: Sephardic Visionary and Activist |
Angel, Marc D. |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
9-31 |
Models of Sephardic Rabbinic Leadership |
Angel, Marc D. |
Autumn 2017/5778 |
29 |
90-100 |
Learning from the Bene Israel of India |
Shafner, Hyim |
Spring 2012/5772 |
13 |
90-95 |
Violence Is Not Grounds for Divorce |
Kahana-Dror, Batya |
Autumn 2009/5770 |
5 |
91-104 |
Embracing Tradition and Modernity: Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik[1] |
Angel, Marc D. |
Winter 2017/5777 |
27 |
91-104 |