April report of our National Scholar, Rabbi Hayyim Angel

Rabbi Hayyim Angel
April, 2016

To our members and friends,

It has been remarkable to reach so many people, communities and educators over the course of this year through our classes, programs, and Online Learning of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. Here are some upcoming highlights:

We are excited to present our next major highlight: On Sunday May 15, 10:00am-1:00pm: We will be having our next Symposium co-sponsored by the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals and Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun: “Bringing Peace Through Torah: Among the Orthodox, Among Jews, and to the World.” This symposium will feature three talks:

What Happens When Peace is Impossible?
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun

Waiting for the Messiah: Utopias and the Jewish Vision of a ‘Perfect’ World
Mrs. Miriam Berger, Tanakh Department Chair, Ramaz Upper School

‘The Disciples of the Wise Increase Peace in the World’:
The Use of Scholarship to Build Bridges and Mend Rifts

Rabbi Hayyim Angel, National Scholar, Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals; Rabbinic Scholar, Kehilath Jeshurun; Bible Faculty, Yeshiva University

Sunday, May 15, 10:00am-1:00pm
At Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun, 125 East 85th Street in Manhattan (between Park and Lexington Avenue)

Light refreshments served
Free and open to the public

In addition to the symposium, here are some upcoming classes I will be giving in April and May:

On Tuesday April 5, 1:45-3:00pm: I will be giving a class to the Yeshiva Women’s learning group, “The Unsung Heroes of the Exodus: Shifrah, Puah, and Pharaoh’s Daughter.” Open to women. At the Fifth Avenue Synagogue, 5 East 62nd Street (between Fifth and Madison Avenue) in Manhattan.

On Wednesday April 6, 1:00-2:00pm: I will be giving a class to the Allegra Franco School of Educational Leadership, “The Unsung Heroes of the Exodus: Shifrah, Puah, and Pharaoh’s Daughter.” Open to women. 1061 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11230.

On Shabbat April 8-9, I will be the scholar-in-residence at the Kingsway Jewish Center. 2810 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Free and open to the public.

On Wednesdays May 4, 11, 18, and 25, 7:15-8:15pm, I will be continuing my series, “Navigating Through Nach: A Survey of the Prophets,” co-sponsored by the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals and Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun. It is located at 125 East 85th Street in Manhattan (between Park and Lexington Avenue). In this session we will survey the books of Ezekiel and Jonah. Free and open to the public.

All of the earlier lectures in this series can be found on our Institute website Online Learning section, https://www.jewishideas.org//online-learning. Newcomers always welcome!

On Sundays May 8, 15, 22, 7:30-8:30pm, I will teach a three-part series on Ezra-Nehemiah at The Young Israel of Jamaica Estates, 83-10 188th St, Jamaica, NY 11423. Free and open to the public.
Week one: Ezra chapters 1-6: Shivat tzion- what went wrong and what went right. Lessons for today?
Week two: Ezra chapters 7-10: Ezra as Halakhic Authority
Week three: Nehemiah: A very different kind of leader

On Shabbat May 20-21, I will be a scholar-in-residence at Congregation Agudath Sholom in Stamford, Connecticut. 301 Strawberry Hill Ave, Stamford, CT 06902. Free and open to the public.

In addition to all of these upcoming classes and programs, our Institute is reaching far and wide through our online presence and publications. On Sunday, March 13, I gave a teacher’s training lecture on the Book of Kohelet via Skype to educators at The Academy of Jewish Thought and Learning in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa! Their Academy runs many classes in Bible and Jewish Thought in South Africa, and it was a treat doing a teacher’s training session with them as they plan their next courses.

I thank all of our members and friends for their ongoing support and participation as we spread our vision to thousands of people throughout the country and beyond. I look forward to learning together with you and growing the reach of our Institute with your help and involvement.

Rabbi Hayyim Angel
National Scholar