Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Gottlieb, Mel Faith and Doubt Spring 2020/5780 35 70-77
Haruni, Michael In Praise of Make-Believe Spring 2020/5780 35 78-94
Rabbi Jeremy Rossen Magic and Superstition: Then and Now Spring 2020/5780 35 46-55
Etshalom, Yitzchak Visiting En-Dor in a Tenth-Century Babylonian Yeshiva Spring 2020/5780 35 29-45
Lavery-Yisraeli To the Sages of the Talmud: Is Wisdom Suffering? Spring 2020/5780 35 95-109
Angel, Hayyim Tanakh and Superstition: Debates within Traditional Commentary Spring 2020 35 14-28
Prager, Kenneth Lessons from a "Goses"--a Dying Person spring 2018/5778 31 80-86
Antine, Nissan and Fruchter, Hadas Leading from Both Sides of the Mehitza Spring 2018/5778 31 130-134
Heschel, Abraham Joshua Selected Writings by Abraham Joshua Heschel Spring 2018/5778 31 15-18
Angel, Hayyim Amos: The Social Justice Prophet Spring 2018/5778 31 19-16