Angel, Hayyim |
Conversion: Halakhah and Public Policy |
Winter 2017/5777 |
27 |
61-71 |
Angel, Hayyim |
Conversion: Halakhah and Public Policy Contemporary Applications |
Winter 2017/5777 |
27 |
61-71 |
Yuter, Alan |
Conversions, Covenant and Conscience |
Winter 2009/5769 |
3 |
96-99 |
Haddad, Eli |
Correspondence: Eli Haddad and Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo on Reviving the Halakhic Process |
Spring 2012/5772 |
13 |
1-12 |
Yanklowitz, Shmuly |
Creatures in the Nation-State: The Torah Ethics of Animal Rights |
Autumn 2010/5771 |
8 |
152-162 |
Zakheim, Dov |
Da'as Torah May Not Be the Answer: But What is the Question? |
Spring 2021/5781 |
37 |
41-50 |
Sperber, Daniel |
Daily Birkat Kohanim in the Diaspora |
Autumn 2014/5775 |
20 |
150155 |
Pear, Rachel S. A. |
Darwin and the Rabbis: Understandings of the Divine Image in an Evolved World |
Winter 2018/5778 |
30 |
31-44 |
Rosenfeld, Martin |
Dating, Self-Disclosure, and Rabbis |
Autumn 2009/5770 |
5 |
32-36 |
Wohlgelernter, Maurice |
David Mamet: The Return of the Native |
Winter 2010/5770 |
6 |
152-166 |