Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Savenor, Charles E. American Democracy and the Soul of Civic Spirit Spring 2024/5784 43 50-57
Tobin, Jonathan Am I My Brother's Keeper? - A Tale of Two Brothers and Health Reform Winter 2010/5770 6 100-112
Carmy, Shalom Always Connect Winter 2013/5773 15 1-12
Lavery-Yisraeli, Yonah Agree to Disagree Spring 2024/5784 43 39-42
Saks, Jeffrey Agnon’s Nobel Speech in Light of Psalm 137 Autumn 2020/5781 36 108-117
Zaken, Tamar Agents of Social Change in Israel Spring 2010/5770 7 19-21
Angel, Hayyim Afterlife in Jewish Thought Winter 2017/5777 27 72-82
Amsellem, Chaim Acceptance of the Commandments for Conversion Autumn 2012/5773 14 91-117
Wieder, Jeremy Academic Talmud in the Bet Midrash Autumn 2015/5776 23 208-215
Heschel, Susannah Abraham Joshua Heschel: An Appreciation Spring 2018/5778 31 12-14