Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Aronson, Seth Book Review: The Art of Jewish Pastoral Counseling Spring 2017/5777 28 173-175
Ever, Ehav A Minority Within a Minority: Truth Seeking as a Non-exclusive Reality Spring 2017/5777 28 46-64
Price, Jonathan J. From Rome to Jerusalem to Rome to Jerusalem—A Brief Personal Memoir Spring 2017/5777 28 135-139
Zakheim, Dov S. Women in the Modern Military: A Second Look Spring 2017/5777 28 146-162
Korn, Eugene "Be a Blessing" Spring 2017/5777 28 89-97
Schiff, Zina With Four Strings and a Bow: The Role of Music in Religious Expression Spring 2017/5777 28 140-145
Ben-Ezra, Ilana Canon Law: A Source for Jewish History? Spring 2017/5777 28 98-101
Ehrenkranz, Pamela Orthodox Isn't Enough Spring 2017/5777 28 32-39
Golden, Jonathan Encounters beyond the Daled Amot Spring 2017/5777 28 65-73
Fogelman, Faith Disability Matters within Judaism Spring 2017/5777 28 163-172