Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Resnick, Elliot A Renaissance Man--At What Price? Spring 2024/5784 43 129-133
Fein, Lori Education, Morality, and Our Children Spring 2024/5784 43 17-22
Broyde, Michael J Pressures Faced by Posekim: A Personal Reflection Spring 2024/5784 43 91-112
Grunstein, Leonard I Do Good Deeds, Therefore, I Am Spring 2024/5784 43 1-16
Angel, Hayyim The Rabbi, the Professor and the Pope on Family Values in the Book of Genesis Spring 2024/5784 43 43-49
Rothstein, Ben A “(Post-)Modern” Rabbinic Idea of Equality Spring 2024/5784 43 27-38
Hoffman, Edward Erich Neumann and the Quest for a Jewish Psychology Spring 2024/5784 43 113-119
Herzfeld, Shmuel Give Grateful Credit Winter 2009/5769 3 92-95
Lau, Benny The Middle of the Road Approach Winter 2009/5769 3 17-20
Corre, Alan Sabato Morais, Social Activist Winter 2009/5769 3 42-57