Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Klapper, Aryeh Fostering Modern Torah Leadership Winter 2009/5769 3 85-91
Corre, Alan Sabato Morais, Social Activist Winter 2009/5769 3 42-57
Yuter, Alan Conversions, Covenant and Conscience Winter 2009/5769 3 96-99
Shapiro, Marc The Moroccan Rabbinic Conferences Winter 2009/5769 3 26-30
Cherlow, Yuval The Torah and the Natural Ways of the World Winter 2009/5769 3 12-16
Angel, Marc D. Religion and Superstition: A Maimonidean Approach Winter 2009/5769 3 109-120
Balint, David The Grasshopper Effect and Other Defects in Modern Orthodox Leadership Winter 2009/5769 3 58-67
Kellner, Menachem Faith, Science, and Orthodoxy Winter 2010/5770 6 1-13
Bulka, Reuven P. Judaism Confronts Psychology Winter 2010/5770 6 92-99
Grazi, Richard V. The Fertility Dilemma Winter 2010/5770 6 113-120