Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Angel, Marc D. Folk Wisdom and Intellectual Wisdom: A Study in Sephardic Culture Winter 2012/5772 12 146-152
Angel, Marc D. Modern Orthodoxy and Halakha: An Inquiry Winter 2012/5772 12 24-37
Angel, Marc D. A Modesty Proposal: Rethinking Tseniut Winter 2012/5772 12 38-49
Angel, Marc D. Rabbi Kook and Rabbi Uziel: Two Posekim, Two Approaches Winter 2012/5772 12 109-120
Angel, Marc D. Sephardic Haskalah Winter 2012/5772 12 156-170
Angel, Marc D. Teaching the Wholeness of the Jewish People Winter 2012/5772 12 153-155
Angel, Marc D. The Universalistic Vision of Judaism Winter 2012/5772 12 95-100
Angel, Hayyim The End of Prophecy: Malachi's Position in the Spiritual Development of Israel Winter 2011/5771 9 112-118
Hoffman, Edward Maimonides: Pioneer of Positive Psychology Winter 2011/5771 9 72-76
Schwartz, Daniel B. I Dread Going to Shul Winter 2011/5771 9 139-145