Rabbi J. Simcha Cohen

Beards and Jews

Rabbi Jack Simcha Cohen of the Orthodox synagogue of West Palm Beach, Florida, is a frequent contributor to our website.

Question: Is it traditional for Jews to have beards? Response: When Jews are requested to visualize an image of an authentic Torah leader, I am positive that hardly any will present a picture of a clean-shaven rabbi. Do not the great deans of Yeshivot and Hassidic rebbes all have beards?Indeed, the Shulhan Arukh specifically expresses a preference for a bearded hazzan (Orah Hayyim 53:6). It’s reported that Rav Isaac Luria, the famed kabbalist, refrained from touching his beard for fear that he might remove some hair (Be’er Heitev, YoreDeah 181:5). The Chabad Hassidim, moreover, explicitly prohibit shaving as included in the negative commandment which prohibits a man from wearing a woman’s garment (Deut. 22:5; see also Responsa, Tzemah Tzedek). Read more


Confidentiality and Professional Ethics

Rabbi J. Simcha Cohen is Rabbi of Congregation Aitz Chaim in West Palm Beach, Florida. He is the author of books and articles on halakhic topics.

Question: Confidentiality is a vital concern that impacts the freedom of expression of quite a number of professions. Many professionals receive confidential information as part and parcel of their normal involvement with their clients and/or patients. Rabbis are also privy to confidential data. At issue is whether halakha (Jewish law) provides any guidelines or rules pertaining to this matter? Read more


The Impact of Tearful Prayers

Rabbi Cohen is rabbi of Congregation Aitz Chaim in West Palm Beach, Florida. Recipient of the Jerusalem Award, he is author of six books on Jewish law.

Question: The Talmud contends that "from the day that the Beit HaMikdash was destroyed, the gates of prayer were locked...but the gates of tears were never sealed". (Bava Metzia 59a-Berakhot 32b) The implication is that tears have an impact upon prayers. Or better yet, tearful prayers are always in order. How are tearful prayers more significant or potent than simple prayers without tears? Read more


Pikuah Nefesh and the Economic Crisis

Rabbi J. Simcha Cohen is Rabbi of Congregation Aitz Chaim in West Palm Beach, Florida, and is author of six books of Jewish law.

Question: A person is an essential member of a United States governmental committee to resolve the current economic crisis.Of concern, Is whether the crisis is deemed a form of Pikuach Nefesh(a danger to life) This classification grants one permission to violate the Shabbat in order to extricate oneself (or a group of people)from this dangerous status. Response:The following actual case took place. Read more


Reporting and Prosecuting Jewish Criminals: Halakhic Concerns

Question: Does Jewish Law impose a responsibility to prevent criminal action? Does Halakha sanction reporting Jewish criminals to secular authorities? May an Orthodox Jew prosecute Jewish criminals? Read more