• Read Rabbi Hayyim Angel's latest book review

    Rabbi Hayyim Angel has posted a new book review at Tradition Online. It reviews Rabbi Yehuda Rock's new book on literary layers within the Torah.  
  • Rabbi Hayyim Angel teaches new series on the inter…

  • Synagogue Affiliation Among Younger Jews: Some Res…

    We asked for your responses about synagogue affiliation (or lack thereof) among younger Jews. Here are some of the responses we received. It would be important for committees within each synagogue to deliberate about how…
  • Everyday Kiddush Hashem: Thoughts for Parashat Mis…

     Holiness is linked to the way we live our daily lives; it isn’t an ethereal concept restricted to prayer, meditation and study. "Kiddush Hashem" is a daily responsibility and privilege.

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Rabbi Hayyim Angel has posted a new book review at Tradition Online. It reviews Rabbi Yehuda Rock's new book on literary layers within the Torah.  
We asked for your responses about synagogue affiliation (or lack thereof) among younger Jews. Here are some of the responses we received. It would be important for committees within each synagogue to deliberate about how best to maximize affiliation and attendance among Jews in their 20s, 30s and 40s.
 Holiness is linked to the way we live our daily lives; it isn’t an ethereal concept restricted to prayer, meditation and study. "Kiddush Hashem" is a daily responsibility and privilege.
Rabbi Halevy’s writings reflect a conflict. On the one hand, he firmly believed that we were at the beginning of the period of redemption. On the other hand, he acknowledged that no one knew for certain how the redemption process would unfold. Rabbi Halevy evaluated sources about messianic calculations, natural vs. supernatural redemption, repentance during the period of redemption, and other matters relating to Divine Providence.
On Monday, February 10, Rabbi Hayyim Angel begins a new trimester at the Beit Midrash of Teaneck. We will begin this trimester (which runs through April 2) with surveys of the Books of Proverbs, Job, and Daniel, and then move into an in-depth learning exploration of Bereshit-Genesis. Classes are free and open to the public. Sponsorship opportunities also are available.