Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Shmalo, Gamliel Orthodox Approaches to Biblical Slavery Fall 2022/5783 40 73-04
Halpern, Stuart To Heal America, Take the Liberty Bell on Tour Fall 2022/5783 40 160-162
Korn, Eugene On Liberty--and Halakha Fall 2022/5783 40 1-25
Finkelman, Eliezer Bribes and Freedom Fall 2022/5783 40 150-159
Angel, Hayyim Book Review: Memorable Sephardi Voices Fall 2022/5783 40 168-170
Finkelman, Paul Jews, Slavery, and the Meaning of Freedom Fall 2022/5783 40 95-114
Eleff, Zev The Current State of the Modern Orthodox Community Fall 2023/5784 42 21-28
Bouskila, Daniel Sephardic Reflections: Present and Future Tense Fall 2023/5784 42 82-87
Klapper, Aryeh If Religions Were Stress-Tested Like Banks Fall 2023/5784 42 7-11
Beasley, Yaakov The Future of the Prophets Fall 2023/5784 42 58-70