Lipshits, Hadar |
A More Jewish and Democratic State of Israel |
Autumn 2012/5773 |
14 |
133-143 |
Milotay, Kelly Smith |
My Spiritual Journey |
Spring 2013/5773 |
16 |
134-139 |
Lavery-Yisraeli, Yonah |
An Oral Torah |
Autumn 2016/5777 |
26 |
134-140 |
Wolfson, Joe |
Rabban Yohanan ben Zakkai and Rabbi Akiva: Two First-Century Models for Thinking about Zionism in the Twenty-First Century |
Winter 2018/5778 |
30 |
134-146 |
Angel, Hayyim |
The Land of Israel in the Bible |
Spring 2024/5784 |
43 |
134-162 |
Price, Jonathan J. |
From Rome to Jerusalem to Rome to Jerusalem—A Brief Personal Memoir |
Spring 2017/5777 |
28 |
135-139 |
Dreisinger, Rebecca |
Learning Reverence from Little House on the Prairie and My Christian Colleagues |
Spring 2018/5778 |
31 |
135-140 |
Angel, Hayyim |
The Tower of Babel: A Case Study in Combining Traditional and Academic Bible Methodologies |
Winter 2013/5773 |
15 |
135-143 |
Nussbaum, Elana Beth |
Homework: Helpful or Hurtful? |
Spring 2009/5769 |
4 |
136-138 |
Unger, Abraham |
A Modern Orthodox Approach to Interfaith Dialogue |
Autumn 2010/5771 |
8 |
136-142 |