Conversations Author Index

Author Title Date Issue number Page Nos.
Schacter-Shalomy, Zalman Thoughts on Spirituality, Prayer, Life and Death Winter 2011/5771 10 45-53
Lewis, Aaron Torah Truths and the Consilience of Human Knowledge Winter 2018/5778 30 45-55
Landau, Pinchas A Tale of Two Bros and Two Boroughs: by Pinchas Landau Autumn 2016/5777 26 45-61
Heilman, Samuel The Road from Old to New Orthodoxies Spring 2013/5773 16 45-63
Waxman, Chaim I. Halakhic Change vs. Demographic Change Autumn 2015/5776 23 45-65
Angel, Marc D. An Inclusive, Compassionate View on Conversion to Judaism Spring 2008/5768 1 46-47
Freund, Michael One Nation, Many Faces Spring 2010/5770 7 46-53
Rabbi Jeremy Rossen Magic and Superstition: Then and Now Spring 2020/5780 35 46-55
Ever, Ehav A Minority Within a Minority: Truth Seeking as a Non-exclusive Reality Spring 2017/5777 28 46-64
Shapiro, Marc Rabbi Joseph Messas Winter 2015/5775 21 47-54