Special Offer to University Network Members

Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Shalom uvrakha,

I hope your academic year is going well.

Thanks to the generosity of members of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, we are offering the following books to members of the University Network at no charge. If you'd like any or all of them, please email me your choice/s, your mailing address, the name of the University at which you are a student. Please send your request to [email protected]

1.  The Koren Pirkei Avot, with commentary by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

2.  The Crown of Solomon and other Stories (a collection of short stories) by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

3.  Angel for Shabbat (vol. 2) (a collection of divrei Torah on the weekly parashiyot) by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

This offer is good as long as the supply of books is available, so if you are interested, please respond promptly.

CAMPUS FELLOWS:  We currently have Campus Fellows on many campuses across the United States. You can see the current Campus Fellows on this link:  https://www.jewishideas.org/current-campus-fellows

If you are interested in serving as a Campus Fellow, please contact Rabbi Daniel Braune-Friedman, [email protected]   You can find more information and an application on our website jewishideas.org

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN WRITING?  We welcome articles/opinion pieces/reflections on your university experience etc. If you'd like to share your thoughts and/or your research, please send your article to [email protected]   We'd like to publish things by our University Network members on our website, and possibly in our journal, Conversations.

QUESTIONS?  The Institute fosters an intellectually vibrant, compassionate and inclusive Orthodox Judaism. We reach many thousands of people worldwide through our website, youtube channel, publications, programs, Campus Fellows program etc.  We serve as a resource for those seeking an intelligent, diverse and meaningful Orthodox Judaism. We are here for you if you have questions, comments, suggestions, issues you feel you'd like to explore more deeply.

Please let your fellow students know about the University Network, and encourage them to register on jewishideas.org

All good wishes.