University Network Updates

Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Shalom uvrakha and best wishes. Here are a few items for your attention from the University Network of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. CAMPUS FELLOWS PROGRAM: We currently have Campus Fellows on campuses throughout the United States. Campus Fellows receive a stipend as well as expense money to run two programs per semester. If you are interested in serving as a Campus Fellow beginning in the spring term, please contact [email protected] You can learn more about the program, and fill out an application, by going to our website, on the bottom right side of the homepage. CONVERSATIONS: The new issue of the Institute's journal, Conversations, is now ready for distribution. University members should be receiving it within the next few weeks, assuming we have your correct mailing address. This issue includes articles about important Orthodox personalities of the 19th and 20th centuries, men and women, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, thinkers and activists. TO CAMPUS FELLOWS: If you would like copies of this issue of Conversations to share with fellow students, please let me know how many copies you'd like, and the address to which they should be shipped. You can reach me at [email protected] FREE BOOKS: Through the generosity of Institute supporters, we offer students on our University Network books of interest, at no charge. If you'd like any or all of the following books, please email me the title/s you'd like and the address to which it/they should be mailed. Please let me know by email: [email protected] 1. Maimonides: Essential Teachings in Jewish Faith and Ethics (a translation and commentary of Rambam's Hilkhot De'ot, by Rabbi Marc D. Angel) 2. The Crown of Solomon and Other Stories (a collection of fiction short stories by Rabbi M. D. Angel) 3. Through an Opaque Lens (a collection of essays on Tanakh topics by Rabbi Hayyim Angel) 4. The Religious Zionism of Rav Kook, by Prof. Pinchas Polonsky 5. The Search Committee ( a novel by Rabbi Marc D. Angel)