Wide Open Thinking: A Conference for Students in the New York Area--April 27 at NYU

Rabbi Marc D. Angel

Students in the New York area are invited to participate in a conference on the reason-based religious philosophy of Maimonides and how it can impact on our lives today.

Are there limits on how Jews should use their minds? Join Rabbis Marc Angel and Dov Linzer at NYU for a free lunch and a fascinating discussion that uses the writings of Maimonides to explore this question.

Participants will receive a complementary copy of Rabbi Hayyim Angel's new book, "A Synagogue Companion."

Register at https://jewishideas.wufoo.com/forms/registration/

This event is sponsored by the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals (jewishideas.org), the Rabbi Arthur A. Jacobovitz Institute, and Hillel at NYU.

12:30 – Lunch
1:00 – Rabbi Angel: Rambam and Spinoza: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism
2:00 – Rabbi Linzer: Rambam, Kefirah, and the Freedom of Intellectual Inquiry

Rabbi Marc Angel is the founder and director of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals, and Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Shearith Israel, the historic Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue in New York City. He is a past president of the Rabbinical Council of America, and has written over 30 books on Jewish history, Jewish philosophy, and questions facing our community today. Rabbi Angel lives in New York with his wife Gilda, and just celebrated the birth of his 10th grandchild.

Rabbi Dov Linzer is the Rosh HaYeshiva and Dean of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School. He has published halakha and machshava articles in Torah journals, and lectures widely at synagogues and conferences on topics relating to Halakha, Orthodoxy, and modernity. Rabbi Linzer writes a weekly parashah sheet and teaches a Daf Yomi shiur which is widely followed on YouTube and iTunes.