
Conversations is the print journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals.

Conversations focuses on major themes confronting our community. It discusses major issues in contemporary Orthodox and general Jewish life. We have had an overwhelmingly positive response from our many readers. The journal has attracted articles from a diverse group of writers, scholars, rabbis and communal activists.

It is lively, thought-provoking - it generates discussions and conversations. Conversations provides the community - Orthodox and non-Orthodox alike - with a forum that demonstrates the intellectual vibrancy, diversity and creativity within the Orthodox Jewish world.

How to get Conversations

Conversations is mailed directly to active members of the Institute. Please be sure your address is current in your My Account area. Please consider becoming a member of the Institute to receive this and many other benefits.

Conversations Issues

This issue includes powerful stories by authors who found their ways to Modern Orthodox Judaism. Some began life as non-Jews and later converted to Judaism. Some grew up in non-Orthodox homes but eventually turned to Orthodoxy. Some grew up Orthodox, rebelled, and then later returned to Orthodoxy.

Rabbi Hayyim Angel is Guest Editor of this amazing issue of Conversations. Leading Orthodox educators from the United States and Israel share their knowledge and insights on the proper, vibrant, creative and exciting study of the Bible.

This issue opens with an address by Senator Joseph I. Lieberman on the role of religion in American life. It includes articles relating to religion and state in the United States; and then focuses on religion and state in the State of Israel. Among authors in this issue are Dr. Dov Zakheim, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow and Rabbi Chaim Amsellem.

The spring 2012 issue of Conversations features articles relating to Sephardic approaches to Jewish law; kabbala; Judeo-Spanish tradition; Sephardic identity and more. It also includes an article on late medieval Italian Jewry, and an essay dealing with the Benei Israel of India.

The winter 2012 issue of Conversations features a collection of articles by Rabbi Marc D. Angel on a range of topics. These articles, written over the past 25 years, deal with Jewish law, worldview, contemporary issues, and Sephardic culture. This is a powerful and provocative issue that you will not want to miss.