Shalom. Here are a few reminders. We've had some good conversations on the new University Network discussion group, and I encourage you to enroll if you haven't already done so--and I encourage you to add your comments, raise your issues, and help make the discussion group a lively and worthwhile forum.
If you've enrolled on the discussion group but have not been receiving messages, please let me know asap. Today, you should have received the latest comment from Michael Makovi.
1.We have set up a University Network discussion group. This gives
members of the University Network the opportunity of sharing ideas,
getting to know each other, networking. This discussion group is only
open to members of the University Network of the Institute for Jewish
Ideas and Ideals.
To subscribe to the University Network discussion list, please send an
email to our automated system at [email protected]. Please first be sure you are registered as a student on our website (
as we we will only approve subscription requests for those who are. All
discussion is email based, and anyone can create or reply to new
topics. You will be able to leave the discussion list at any time. The
IJII reserves the right to remove anyone from the discussion list at
its discretion.
We hope this will prove to be an interesting, valuable and enjoyable
resource for members of the University Network. Please sign up soon,
and feel free to share your ideas. The discussion group has already
gotten underway, so please be sure you're signed up.
2. The University Network is sponsoring an essay contest, open only
to its members. The topic is: Orthodoxy and Spirituality. Essays
should run from 4 to 10 pages double spaced, submitted as word
documents to [email protected] and [email protected],
and must arrive by March 1, 2010. The theme is quite general, and you
are welcome to approach the topic as you think best. Three essays will
be chosen as the winners, and will be published in a forthcoming issue
of our journal, Conversations; as well as on our website, Authors of the 3 winning essays will receive awards of
$150 each. Early entries are welcome--don't wait for the last minute!
3. If you would like a free copy of Rabbi M. D. Angel's novel, The Search Committee, please email [email protected],
giving the mailing address to which you'd like it sent. Many members of
the University Network have already received this book, but those who
did not are invited to make their request for a copy. Likewise, if you have not received a copy of Rabbi Angel's new book, "Maimonides, Spinoza and Us: Toward an Intellectually Vibrant Judaism", please feel free to request a copy.
Shalom uvrakha.