Action required: Please update your University Network membership

David Notik, Website Manager


You are receiving this notice because you are subscribed to the University Network newsletter.  If you received and responded to our ealier notice regarding the University Network, you may ignore this duplicate notice.  If not, please read and follow the instructions below to ensure you remain a University Network member and continue to receive communications from us.
We've made a few changes which affect how University Network memberships work.  Please take a moment to help us update our records, a necessary step to ensure that you remain a University Network member and eligible for all its benefits!  Remember, membership in the University Network is a free service to students enrolled in college and graduate programs at recognized universities.
Please first sign in to the website (, then visit the University Network Registration and Renewal form at the following link:

If your membership is listed as current, you don't need to do anything else.  (However, if you'd like to update any of your information, select "No thank you" for membership and submit your modified information.)
If your membership is listed as expired, please complete the form to renew your membership.
If you don't see the status of your membership listed, please complete the form so that we may properly record you as a member.
Going forward, University Network membership will have to be renewed every year, which helps us confirm that you are still a student and eligible for free membership and its benefits.  You will receive a reminder email at the beginning of August, and those of you that are still eligible students should complete the renewal form so you remain a University Network member.
Please respond to this email with any questions.  And as always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions!
Thank you!
David Notik
Website Manager