
Stages of Life: Thoughts for Parashat Hayyei Sarah

Although Sarah was the same person from childhood to old age, she was very different at the various stages of life. She died when she was one hundred years and twenty years and seven years—each of the “years” signifying a new stage in life.  Don’t we all go through various stages in life? Aren’t we all the “same person” throughout our lifetimes; but aren’t we also different?

Faith as Protest

Rabbi Sir Jonathan Sacks was the Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth.This excerpt is from his book, To Heal the World, and is reprinted by permission of Schocken Books, a division of Random House. This excerpt appeared in issue 2 of Conversations, the journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals. Rabbi Sacks passed away in November 2020.

Blessings and Curses: Thoughts for Parashat Lekh Lekha

When God assured blessings for those who bless Israel and curses for those who curse Israel, these were not idle promises. They are fulfilled every day of the week. We surely would like the haters to re-think their destructive ways and free themselves of the curses they have brought upon themselves and others. Those who choose blessing and life are themselves blessed. Those who choose cursing and death are themselves cursed.