Min haMuvhar

Blessings and Curses: Thoughts for Parashat Lekh Lekha

When God assured blessings for those who bless Israel and curses for those who curse Israel, these were not idle promises. They are fulfilled every day of the week. We surely would like the haters to re-think their destructive ways and free themselves of the curses they have brought upon themselves and others. Those who choose blessing and life are themselves blessed. Those who choose cursing and death are themselves cursed.

Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a four-part series on Zoom

On Mondays, October 28, November 4, 11, and 18, from 1:00-2:00 pm EST, Rabbi Hayyim Angel will give a four-part series. It is entitled, "How to Learn Tanakh: Four Illustrative Torah Stories. In this series, we will explore four different texts of the Torah, and weave through classical and contemporary commentary to unpack the meaning of each narrative. The series also will highlight learning methodology that applies to all Tanakh learning.

Thoughts for Succoth

Succoth is an important reminder that being Jewish entails a public stance, the courage to be who we are and stand for our traditions without embarrassment or apology. If we do not stand up for ourselves, who will stand up for us? And if we do stand up for ourselves, we will be worthy heirs of a great people who have given so much--and have so much more to give--to our world.

The Israel Advocacy Force: Jewish, Muslim and Christian Voices for Israel

TIAF is focused on showing that the battle against extreme jihadism is not just Israel's fight; it is a fight for all who value peace, tolerance, and coexistence. By empowering non-Jewish voices, especially Muslims and Christians, to take a leading role in this advocacy, we can create a broader, more inclusive movement that transcends national and religious boundaries.