
The Land of Israel in the Bible

As we mark the season of Yom Ha'atsmaut, Israel Independence Day, it's important to remember the age-old connection of the Jewish People with the land of Israel. Rabbi Hayyim Angel reviews the Biblical history of the land of Israel. This article appears in issue 43 of Conversations, the journal of the Institute for Jewish Ideas and Ideals.

Rabbi Hayyim Angel to teach six-part Zoom series about Shavuot readings

Rabbi Hayyim Angel will teach a six-part series on the biblical readings of Shavuot.

Hosted by Torah in Motion in Toronto, the classes are over Zoom. 

They begin on Monday, May 6, from 10:00-11:00 am Eastern. Please see below for dates and class titles.


The classes are open to the public (Torah in Motion requests optional donations on the registration page). 

Please register at: